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"This time I will give glory to Elohim; and she named him Judah."


The Children of Judah are Strong and Courageous! These are the dual hallmarks of this Tribe.

Not all who Petition to enter the tents of Judah, will succeed and be admitted. Judah is not the Tribe for the feint hearted and weaked kneed! It is not the Tribe for the weary - unless of course your excuse is old age!

Judaens are Pro- Death Penalty and Pro-Arms. We are not for the squeamish or the 'forgive evil squad!'

It is accurate to say, that Judaens do not want to hold hands with all the Peoples of the earth and sing Cum-ba-ya! We are not Eutopist! Idealist. Excusist or Apologists! When Judaens see shit they will never say, "Surely that is black forest gateau." So you can call us Simple. A People whose cerebral function automatically removes the confusion, to  see things exactly as they are, and because we do, we are usually able to identify at a glance, the root cause and solution to any number of problems.

Honour is crucial to Judaen life - If you cannot keep your word, you are less than nothing in the Eyes of the Almighty, (this general rule does not apply to any who have taken a oath, whether professionally or otherwise, as these would be required to keep it).

Family is important to Judaens and the Institution of Marriage. When black man ask's the Prophetess why he should get married. The reply is always the same; "Because you are not a slave." And to a Caucasian man, "Because you should not behave like a slave." And to a Indian man, "What are you thinking?" And to a Chinese man, "Have you gone quite mad?" Illegitimacy is the scourge of men! El Shaddai does not accept, that the Daughters of Israel can 'seduce' anyone. And quite rightly so. We wouldn't know where to start.

Education is key, for Judaens, who hold that there is no excuse for ignorance in industrialized countries. Even so, our Deity has taught us to accept that 'intelligence' and indeed extreme intelligence is often found outside of 'academia.' El Shaddai finds these People extremely attractive and often 'favors' them. In other words, if you have a degree, masters or Phd and have not a understanding heart, you're truly  not very smart  no-matter what your paper says!

Our Deity reserves the Right to Pardon whom He Will Pardon and Forgive Whom He Will Forgive; irrespective of the purchase of sins. Judaens are cool with this. If El Shaddai likes you, its "Hello." And if not, "On guard!"

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