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Pre-Dynastic Kmt, [ancient Egypt]

Pre-Dynastic Kmt was not peopled by one homogenous Black African Tribe.

Despite substantial evidence to the contrary, European archaeologist would argue that:

“The emphasis on abstract decoration, though often beautiful, is not typical of Egyptian art in the historical period after 3100 BC. This distinction, however, cannot be used to argue convincingly that a different group of people inhabited Egypt after the historical artistic style emerged!!!”
A bold statement you will agree, after we have re-examined the substantial evidence available to these, archaeologst.

Firstly, the pottery discovered, reveals such a contrast in style, that it would be foolish to discount it as a valuable source of information. Plainly more than one hand is at work; as ‘style’ is attributed to the distinctive ‘handwriting’ of a artist, it is clear that more than one Artistic Style is involved. Eg., the Minoan Jug was discovered in Lower Kmt, and immediately attributed to Crete!

We must then examine further evidence, before arriving at our conclusion:

    Napta-Playa [Figure 1]                                    Napta-Playa [Figure 2]

Napta-Playa [Figure 3]

Notice the Semitic type driving the carriage in figure 1. It is the ‘only’ one that does not ‘fit!’ In relation to all the Napta-Playa. In size and in scale, the Semitic is inconsistent and is plainly a ‘later inclusion.’

Now examine Figure 3 in relation to Figure 2, and you will see a Semitic female has now been ‘drawn in,’ who is not in the earlier more authentic Figure 2!!!

Original shows only the Black and Red skin Napta-Playa.

With the same physiognomy.

European archaeologist, called the Napta-Playa, 'Nubian!' Remember this.

Every single Black People European historians and archaeologist discovered in Kmt, was labelled 'Nubian.' A entire Continent was labelled 'Nubia.'

Judaens do not like screw ball logic: Sums that do not add up! Or Racist who believe 'all' Black People 'look the same!' That may well have worked in 15th Century Europe, however today, the Black Race who has never been receptive to such nonsense, is disinclined to put up with it.

Logic and Reason dictate, that when you find diverse Black Tribes in a Country, you acknowledge the ethnic diversity and the fact, that those Tribes do not constitute, a single homogeneous Race. The Hutu and the Totsi are diverse Tribes living in the same Country, yet they constitute, two separate Peoples. Therefore, to have already recorded the fact, that Ancient Egyptians, Napta-Player, Badari, Naqqada, Nubian's!!! Abyssinian's, Canaanite, Minoans,etc, all dwelt in Kmt in Pre-historic times, does indeed make Our Case.

Absurdity and obtusity are often introduced to gilbly explain the theft of Black African History: "We just use to paint all our statutes black!!!" They allege. We Must ask them to explain why those statutes have Classical Black African Features? A preference for a color is of course a choice. However we Must ask for explanations vis a vie the 'features!!!' Further, we Must ask where the 'idea' came from to Worship a BABOON, [Thoth]!!! I mean why not a PIG - The animal indigenous to Europe!!! You could have put lipstick on it, jewels and all sorts...

We  Must ask questions. If as the European historians and archaeologist allege, Kmt was one homogeneous Tribe, why was there a need to 'Unite' Upper and Lower Egypt, and 'Accommodate' all the diverse deities: 1. Anhur came from 'NUBIA!!!' 2. Ament -'the Westerner' came from PHOENICIA, [Libya]. 3. Bes came from PUNT. 4. Tehenut came from Phoenicia and so on. Do European historians really believe that gods arrive in lands without worshippers??? Is it not 'belief by a People' in a deity, that causes the deity to become known.

We have read Petri and Gardiner and Aldred, Buval etc, and We find Ourselves UNIMPRESSED. We loved Professor Chiek Anta Diop, and know that had he received 'access to the histories,' he would have killed it. Professor Sertima - I just don't now what to say. Actually I do. Sertima was confused on the Albino issue. How could he try and saddle the Black Race as being the 'Parents of Europe!!!' God knows we would not have 'Spared the Rod...'

All you who have written books on the basis of the information available to you, well done you. Correct what you need in your second editions, the People won't mind;they know what we're up against! Continue writing and stick like super glue to the Ancient and Antiqutos Historians, bearing in mind that many of their books have been Revised and Edited: Ask questions. In particular, is 1 + 1 equaling 2. If things don't fit, don't force them; they plainly do not belong. It is not Our job to become contortionist on top of everything else.

Above: Blue Lapis Lasuli figure found in Kmt, circa 3650 -3330 BC, [Metropolitan Museumof Art].

Nubian Terracotta of Isis with 'Cow Horns' nursing Horus - Gustave Jequier 1868-1946.


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