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The Children of Judah are raising money for the African Union, (AU). We believe that it is vital that the AU begins to build warehouses to stockpile food against the cyclical droughts that lead to famine and enormous loss of life. We are interested in helping Orphans in Africa and would welcome suggestions and ideas. We have zero interest in hearing that African Leaders are corrupt. We are aware of the Corruption of many Western Leaders, who go unreported by their biased media, who censor themselves into compatibility with, 'the Party line.'

We cannot simply sit idlly by and allow African Children to die. The West has been 'helping' Africa for several decades -dispensing 'Aid,' through their own charities and NGO's. Africa is still starving. Lets give the AU their turn! We are asking for a minimum of $10.00 which will be donated to the AU.

We are also aware that Conventional publishing does not work for many Black People, who have something valid to say or share. In-order to get our books published, Judaens often Self-Publish and donations, no-matter how small do ensure that our books get into print and are available for sale. This is vital, if you are to be kept informed, up to date, and current, it will also help to reduce the price of our books.

The Prophetess of Judah is working on a Black History, which, when completed, will be the 'Definitive' History of the Black Race. We also have Children's books that are especially 'tailored' to 'inspire' and 'unblock' the minds of our Children. My son learnt to read in one week, as did I. Books are the 'corridor,' that enable our Children to 'open' numerous doors, and take numerous journeys.

The Children of Judah are also interested in reaching out to potential Black Writers and Poet/esses, with a view to helping these get published.

Black People know very well how we like our Story told, unfortunately, few Black Publishers are available to us, and it is vital that we organize ourselves, so we can Publish and Print our own books, to safeguard them for ourselves and future generations. Black People can write, do have much to say and are lagging behind most nations because we lack Publishing companies. Lets change that.

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