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The Biblical Patriarch Noah was the father of the Canaanites, (renamed Phoenicians by the Greeks) who were black Africans, [Genesis.9:24]. [previously used Hamite, [Genesis.9:22 so as not to confuse indoctrinated familiar teachings, as we find People still unable to grasp the fact, that there are 'two' books of Genesis contained within all modern deliberately corrupted bibles].

Top left: Ancient Habiru Israelite king 1184-1153 BC, [Faience Tile] New Kingdom Dynasty 20 Tomb of Ramesses 111.

You will note that Our Habiru Israelite king is plainly not 'mixed race or a Semitic of any kind!' Modern historians and archaeologist deliberately incorrectly categorize him a 'Nubian!!!' However, in the Book of Numbers. 15:38 and Deuteronomy. 6:18, we find the Mosaic Law plainly imposing a dress code upon the Habiru Israelites to wear a turquoise thread upon the 'four corners' of their garments; with Deuteronomy.6:18 insisting upon a 'armband!' Caucasoid Jews who all originated from the European Khazar land, could not 'explain' why the Habiru Israelite was Black. And also King!!! The word Nubian, resolved their problem.

Canaanites also inhabited present day Libya, Syria and Iraq. Many historians of antiquity attested to this fact. Herodotus and Pliny agreed that the Canaanites and Phoenicians were one and the same race! Yet modern historians now allege that this is not the case, and appear to be dismissing the likes of Aristotle, Strabo, Diogenes as well as the Greek writer Lucian, who agreed with Herodotus. History is often written by the victor who is usually dishonest. In this case nothing but lies abound. However stealing something, doesn't make you a victor, it just makes you a really good thief.

Second left: Habiru Israelite Lady wearing her 'armband!' Tomb of Ramesses.

 The first scrolls of the Habiru, (renamed Hebrew by the Greeks) Law were written by Ham in the Hametic script and predate all other Biblical scrolls, including Aramaic, Semitic Coptic or modern Hebrew. Further archaeological evidence of the Black African Habiru's were found in the Saharan Caves - evidence that these black Habiru, who existed before the Prince, Prophet and Patriarch Ivri-ben-HAM, (Abraham) was born, called upon the God of the Ancients, El Elohim, ​practiced the Circumcision rite and recorded their history in writing and with cave art! This fact, that the Habiru Law is Black Peoples Law, was concealed and suppressed to enable the Caucasoid Jewish people to  masquerade as Habiru Israelites and deceive the world into believing, that they, and not the Black Habiru Israelites, are the original Habiru's!!! For this conspiracy and deception to progress, many ancient artefacts, tapestries, statutes, books etc, had to be defaced, destroyed, remodeled and edited! With the Caucasoid Jews, effectively writing Black Habiru Israelites out of their own history and arranging it so, Black Judaens have to actually 'explain' to people that they, and not the Caucasoid Jews, are the 'Original Habiru Israelites!!!

Here are just a few examples of how modern Western historians, archaeologists, forensic scientist and professors operate, to deliver us historical lies and safeguard the Caucasoid Jewish fallacy:


      How it looks today                                                   1886 Sketch                   African Albino

I think we can agree that all, are plainly of Black African Origin! And all are Ancient Habiru Israelites, [Exodus.12:38 "Also a mixed multitude went up with them...]" We can still see some color of the clothing to know that at least 3 are the same, with the 4 corners of the garments of the Habiru Israelite Priest plainly evident in 2 and 5! The 1886 sketch is a poor copy. Notice the 'arms!!!' And the attempt to semiticize in the sketch. Plainly the artist was able to see the faces he was drawing in 1886, so we can assume, the relief was destroyed later, to conceal evidence of the Black faces.

​   1886 completely Semitized sketch                      1914 Oric Bates sketches of Libyans

We can see plainly, that some of the Habiru have 'pointed beards!' These beards were pronounced 'chins' and used by fraudsters to allege Caucasoid Semitic origins in Africa, and in particular, in the Habiru Israelite Tribes!!!

Phoenician Canaanite from Medinet Habu: Phoenician Canaanite King:      Phoenician Canaanite 

Notice how the 'beard' of the Black Phoenician above, has become a 'Semitic pointy chin!!!'                          

"Tehenou and Tamahou were not the same ethnic type. The first

adjacent "Libyan" people that the Egyptians refered to were the
Tehenou. In color paintings they are dark brown. They were the
local blacks of Libya. They were not Nilotics nor Bantu nor Sudanese.
They were a local Libyan ethnic group. (G. Moller, Die Aegypten und
ihre libyschen Nachbaren, ZDMG, Liepzig 1924 pg 78

                                                                                                  Narmer Palette discovered in 1898 examine the 'Narmer Pallette below, in particular the way 'Narmer' is facing!!!

Oric Bates who wrote on the Eastern Libyans said as follows: "that

 before the 12th dynasty Egyptians colored Tehenou dark
brown." [We believe the word black, was replaced with 'brown, as the 'cave Art  makes plain.'] The Eastern Libyans, London 1914, pp 43-45.


Plainly as the Ancient Historians made plain, Phoenicians/Canaanite are 'BLACK SKINNED.'

One of the main reasons for the theft of the Black Races and the Habiru Israelite History, is pretty much summed up by the following words:

"Race is a notoriously nebulous concept. Before a physical property can be scientifically examined, it must be objectively defined so that accurate measurements of variables can be made. Defining race has been based on subjective taxonomic classification, morphological interpretation, and physiognomic characteristics, exercises that are frighteningly akin to phrenology. Race has yet to be defined in objective genetic terms that are quantifiably measurable, rendering attempts at truly scientific discussion hopelessly futile..." 

We have never heard so much SHIT in our lives. How was the Caucasian Races 'defined???' Apart from varying shades of pale skin, physiognomy does vary. Yet they knew they were all, what is it they call themselves, 'white people!!!' Chinese, Indians, Japanese etc must feel satisfied, that despite their numerous Tribes, it was extremely easy for their 'Race' to be 'objectively defined' minus the nonsense Black Tribes have long endured from Caucasian Professional idiots.

For the truth is, that the overwhelming evidence was more than enough for the correct conclusion to have been made long ago. We see a disturbing and extremely troubling trend in our Black Habiru History according to the Caucasoid Kiki, [Renamed Jew by themselves]; which manifests itself in a hatred for the Habiru Israelite Deity El Elohim, and His Black Original Israelite Tribes. For these Caucasoid Jews have marched the Original Israelites into Slavery, overseen their, Kidnap, Rape, Sodomy, Murder and Forced assimilation and Conversions the Idolatrous and Blasphemous religion, i.e., christianity, [which Jews made up] with its insane concept that a Caucasoid Jew is god!!!

The Superior Belief of the Fenni was rejected by because Mariatta was not a Jewess. The Incomparable Achievements of the Black Race was concealed, because those achievements made plain that Caucasians are not necessary for progress, development and growth. The Black Habiru Israelites had their Mosaic Law stolen by the Caucasoid Jews and deliberately corrupted, because they imagine they know better than El Shaddai, and should therefore DICTATE to Him. These Caucasoid Jew have run around the world telling the Original Habiru Israelites that 'they' are not Israelites and even Forced them to become 'jewish' in-order to Practice their own Belief, as the Legitimate Heirs of the Hashmonean Dynasty!!! We have never met a people more avaricious and greedy:  "Measure for Measure" should have at all times been borne in mind, for the God of the Habiru's is the wrong Deity to trouble... 

What happens if the world accepts that the Black African Races are, [as indeed they are] the progenitors of  Western Civilization? What changes???

We believe there would be a change in the global mentality: That would inexorably lead to A Global Racial Reformation, that would eradicate the scourge of Racism from the Planet with this singular event. We further believe, that this singular event is not reliant upon Western acceptance , approval or participation for the following reasons:

  •  Black Leaders per se, with a United Front, can disseminate proof of Africa's phenomenal contribution to Civilizations, [including Western] and Culture to the Black Race, informing them all of the Theft, Concealment and Suppression of our History. This effectively provides the Black Race with the ability to Counteract the false allegations of Western historians, professors and archaeologist.
  • Reeducation of the Black Race through schools, books, radio, [for the unschooled] and all forms of media; and the Eradication of Aid and Missionaries and in particular the cessation of the dissemination of false doctrines of Jewish worship, and the 'Greco' intellect, with the emphasis being upon our own Traditional methods of Belief.
  • A Manifesto outlining the harm and damage our Race has suffered for more than half of a millennium, as a direct consequence of permitting alien concepts, should be advanced, with a Action Plan and Timescale for the eradication thereof and honest undertakings to renegotiate and eliminate corruption, bad governance and harmful policies and international agreement.
  • A focus must be given to Black literature and frank statements addressing the harm we have suffered and the way in which this has hampered our development and stifled our progress. Greater Emphasis should be placed upon going forward and Abandoning the old ways. Promoting Agriculture, Education, Business and Trade and Health

It is obvious that we cannot compel the West to tell the truth, however, there is abundant evidence, that prove their historical claims and allegations false. It would be agreeable for them to get on board for the following reasons:

  • Power over a People is lost once their eyes are opened.
  • The West represents the Minority of People on the Planet: If the Majority of Peoples accept Racial Reformation, the West exclusively becomes the Ignorant Race, and Must commence Concealing what the whole world knows from its own people. This will involve becoming a Police State and Prohibiting its People from Internet, News and Travel, which in turn will impact Business and swiftly lead to impoverishment and economic destruction.
  • The old ways of the West interacting with global Ethnic Peoples are a thing of the Past. A Multi-Polar World, [advanced by President Putin and Jaques Chirac], is the Future. However, a Multi-Polar World is not possible with Master Servant Relationships on Any Level. For the West to be Relevant to the Future going forward, Reeducation of the Establishment, and the Immediate Cessation of the 'Dumbing Down' to Educate their Peoples, is Key. Joined up is for Adults! And Its time the Establishment/s learned, that no-one will mind you getting yours as long as you provide opportunities for the People to get theirs!!! Intelligence Not 'Breeding.' [And for all of you shrieking RACIST!!! I come from the Black Establishment, from a Grandfather who separated himself from the Root, to establish a Branch. So I can tell you, when I last saw the Black Establishment, they were lamenting the 'tiny' changes and insisting, [contrary to all the evidence] that ordinary People 'Really Just' wanted to be their Servants, and would be UNHAPPY outside Service. They Blamed England for ending Feudalism and giving the People 'idea's]!!!' They really are amazing. They look you right in the eye whist articulating "The poor are happy doctrine..." Trust me, it doesn't matter what color they come in, there all the bloody same, User's. My Great Grand Uncle actually told me all about homogeniture, [First-born males get everything and girls diddly squat]! When I scowled and pointed out that I was a 'girl,' he actually cast aspersions on my intelligence!!! "


The Prophetess of Judah has written 'Black History! A Wake Up Call' to address the issue of Black History. We, are aware of a number of black Americans alleging to be the Head of Judah. Stop it! This Tribe is not for sport. I alone in diaspora hold the Spiritual Law which was given into my safe-keep by El Shaddai. We have several books ready for publication which do make this plain. We know that many Black People are searching for the truth about their History, Laws, Culture - Indeed it becomes especially important when we have children to teach and imbue with a God-fearing Spirit, not least due to all the manifest temptations and vices around. Judaens are not artificial! We live our Belief and fight for what we believe in. We do not say it is easy. We do say it is right.

Caucasians are not by products of Black People: They have their own history, which is as distinct from Africa as it is possible to be. Caucasoid Jews are nothing to do with Israel, they originated in Europe and are Europeans. And that will not change.

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